GTA San Andreas cheats for PC - eTech Alert


Thursday, 26 March 2015

GTA San Andreas cheats for PC

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas -: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is one of most popular game of world if you are game lover and you want Get the latest Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). has all you need to win every game you play!
GTA San Andreas cheats for PC

Scroll down see PC cheats for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
  • Action, Adventure
  • Rockstar North
  • Rockstar Games
  • Mature
  • September 20, 2005

GTA San Andreas Heat Vision Goggles

There are three ways to get the Heat Vision goggles. 1: It can be found by the Giant satellite transmitter in the desert. 2: You can get it in Zeros shop after completing all three zero missions. 3: You get it in the mission: Black project.

Get Busted But Keep All Weapons in GTA San Andreas

This will be as long as you are dating Barbara.

Night Vision Goggles

The Night Vision Goggles can be found by the stairs in Madd Doggs mansion but you also get it after the last mission The end of the line.

Get Killed But Keep All Weapons

This happens as long as you date Katie.

1000 Luck Points Plus $100k

Collect all 50 horseshoes in Las Venturas and get these rewards. With that much luck you'll do better in the casinos.


Armor, Health, And Money


Complete Pilot School With All Bronze Medals

Enter rustler as a code.

Never Get A Star Rating

To never get a star rating type AEZAKMI

Make All Traffic Fast Cars

Enter everyoneisrich as a code.

Get An Invisible Car

Enter wheelsonlyplease as a code.

Weapon Sets 1


Drive The Train

If you want to drive the train type 'lockit'

Spawn Rancher 4x4


Never Get Hungry

Type in AEDUWNV.

Perform A Mega-jump

Enter kangaroo as a code.

Get Max Sex Appeal

Enter helloladies as a code.

Maxed Out On All Vehicle Skill Statistics

Enter naturaltalent as a code.

Pedestrians Attack With Guns


Max Respect


Flying Cars

Unlike previous GTA Games, this allows you to stay in the air and go any where you want. But be careful landing, the car goes at least 500mph in the air. But I thought it was a big improvement. Anyway, onto the code, chittychittybangbang.

Spawn Army Tank


Sunny Weather


Create A Sandstorm

Type in CWJXUOC.

CJ Is A Slut Magnet

Type in BEKKNQV.

Complete The Driving School With All Gold Medals

Enter hotknife as a code.

Make All Traffic Cheap Cars

Enter everyoneispoor as a code.

Commit Suicide

Enter goodbyecruelworld as a code.

Achieve Perfect Vehicle Handling

Enter sticklikeglue as a code.

While On A Bike To Perform A Huge Bunny Hop (ala E.T.)

Enter cjphonehome as a code.

Be At The Hitman Level In All Weapons Statistics

Enter professionalkiller as a code.

Six Star Wanted Level


Raise Wanted Level


Pedestrians Riot


Unlimited Health

GTA San Andreas cheats for PC
GTA San Andreas cheats for PC

Speed Up Time


Spawn Parachute


Spawn Dozer


Max Muscle


Max Stamina


Spawn Stretch Limo


Spawn Hearse


Spawn Hydra (Fighter Jet), Spawn Monster

Tired of just driving on stupid cars and also having to wait to pass a test to get the Hydra well type in JUMPJET and the Hydra will appear. Also want a monster truck; Type in MONSTERMASH and you will get the MONSTER.

Lose All Body Fat

Type in KVGYZQK.

Maximum Body Fat

Type in BTCDBCB.

Have Infinite Air For Swimming Underwater

Type in CVWKXAM.

Have A Beach Party

Type in CIKGCGX.

Contract On CJ

Type in BAGOWPG.

Get VERY Sunny Weather

Enter toodamnhot as a code.

Spawn A Dozer

Enter itsallbull as a code.

Severely Reduce Traffic

Enter ghosttown as a code.

Recruit Anyone And Have Them Equipped With Rockets

Enter rocketmayhem as a code.

Remake The Hood In A Ninja Theme

Enter ninjatown as a code.

Make Gangs Take Over The Streets

Enter bifbuzz as a code.

Remake The 'hood In A Funhouse Theme

Enter crazytown as a code.

Accelerate Gameplay

Enter speeditup as a code.

Make Cars Float Away When Hit

Enter bubblecars as a code.

Make Boats Fly

Enter flyingfish as a code.

Permanent Midnight

Enter nightprowler as a code.



Gang Members Everywhere


Spawn Bloodring Banger


Slow Motion


Pedestrians Have Weapons


Pedestrians Are Elvis


Weapon Sets 2


Weapon Sets 3


Unlimited Ammo


Super Punches


Rainy Weather


Stormy Weather


Sunny Weather


Spawn 4xWheeler


Spawn Monster Truck


Spawn Jetpack


Spawn Hydra


Spawn Hunter


Spawn Caddy


Max Lung Capacity


Lower Wanted Level


Destroy All Cars


Cloudy Weather


Spawn Vortex


Spawn Trashmaster


Spawn Tanker


Spawn Stunt Plane


Note: Stunt Plane can do backflips, barrel rolls, and sky diving.

Spawn Racecar #2


Spawn Racecar #1


Adrenaline Effects


All Cars Have Nitrous


Aggressive Traffic



Girlfriend's Car: Pink Club

Access this by dating Millie to 50%.

More Lung Capacity, Higher Sex Appeal And $100k.

To get these rewards collect all 50 oysters from the waters surrounding all three cities.

Stunt Plane

Complete the pilot school with all Silver medals.

Outfit: Overalls

Access this by dating Helena to 100%.

Jet Pack

Achieve the Airstrip asset near the city of Las Venturas.

Dune Buggy

Score higher than 25 at the dirt ring.

Super GT

Complete driving school with all Bronze medals.

Girlfriend's Car: White Romero

Access this by dating Katie to 50%.

Girlfriend's Car: Police Ranger

Access this by dating Barbara to 50%.

Hotring Racer

Complete the 8-track race in first place.

Monster Truck

Complete the 8-track tournament in 1st place.

Outfit: Croupier Uniform

Access this by completing the mission "Breaking the bank at Caligula's."

Outfit: Gimp Suit

Access this by completing the mission "The key to her heart."

Outfit: Medic Uniform

Access this by dating Katie to 100%.

Outfit: Pimp Suit

Access this by dating Denise to 100%.

Outfit: Police Uniform

Access this by dating Barbara to 100%.

Outfit: Racing Outfit

Access this by dating Michelle to 100%.

Outfit: Valet Uniform

Access this by completing the mission "555-we-tip."

Girlfriend's Car: Bandito

Access this by dating Helena.

Girlfriend's Car: Green Hustler

Access this by dating Denise to 50%.

Girlfriend's Car: Monster Truck

Access this by dating Michelle to 50%.

NRG 500

Complete bike school with all Gold medals. This vehicle can also be found in a car park near the Johnson's house.

BF Injection

Complete the dirt ring race at Los Venturas stadium in First Place.

Prostitutes Pay YOU

Complete the pimp missions. (10 tricks)

CJ Is Fireproof

Complete the firefighter missions to level 12.

50% More Health

Complete the paramedic missions to level 12.

Weapon Spawn

Complete all 100 tags in Los Santos to enable the Ak-47, Tec-9, Sawn-Off Shotgun, and Molotov Cocktails to spawn in the Johnson's Family Home.
GTA San Andreas cheats for PC
GTA San Andreas cheats for PC

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